Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cast for HONK!

Please check your email. There is important information at the bottom of the cast list sent to your email. Please read it, and not just this blog post!

*UGLY- Garrett Koesters
*DRAKE- Peter Blanco
*IDA- Haley Hogenkamp
JAYBIRD- Chris Baker
CAMERAWOMAN-Megan Timmerman
*HENRIETTA- Michaela Key
*BEAKY- Caleb Francis
*BILLY- Grant Beair
*DOWNY- Brianna Wiedeman, Claire Borgerding
*FLUFF- Savanna Webb
*CAT- Taite McKinney
*GREYLAG- Marcus Nitschke
*TURKEY- Eric Beckman
*MAUREEN- Grace Stammen
*BULLFROG- Marc Rochotte
*PENNY- Desiree Blair
*DOT- Krista Burrows
*QUEENIE- Allison Dilbone
*LOWBUTT- Alisha Monnin
PINKFOOT- Erica Stammen
SNOWY- Kelsey Ahrens
BEWICK- Kristen Hemmelgarn
FARMER VOICE- Vern Bergman
FATHER SWAN- Vern Bergman
OLD WOMAN VOICE- Diane Huelskamp
MOTHER SWAN- Janelle Riethman
*GRACE- Melanie Balster
SOLOIST- Shannon Huelskamp

Liz Baker
Melanie Balster
Carly Barhorst
Claire Borgerding
Olivia Bruening
Beth Buening
Sarah Buening

Nicole Brunswick
Carla Burrows
Mara Cull
Dane Dahlinghaus
Macey Elder
Allison Grieshop
Derek Grieshop
Jessica Grieshop
Zoe Heid
Ansley Heid
Alex Huelskamp
Ian Huelskamp
Danielle Imel
Josh Keller
Alex McClure
Rebekah Monnin
Hailey Oldiges
Taylor Paul
Shelby Pleiman
Monica Shell
Megan Subler
Erica Stammen
Megan Timmerman
Jenny Trzaska
Kaycie Wissman
Taylor Wissman

*Read your email to see what the asterisk stands for!!!!

First practice, January 2. Production dates: March 29, and 30 (7 p.m.), 31 (2 and 7 p.m., April 1 (2 p.m.), 2012.
Practices are Mondays, Tuesday, and Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at St. Paul UCC in New Bremen. Enter on North Herman S.t near the "Spirit Safari" sign. Please tell us now if you can’t make practices regularly or if you have decided not to be in the production. We will have a schedule soon so you know which nights you do not need to be there. Some nights will be main characters only.


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